I've been decluttering while I'm not feeling well (because that's what I do when seasonal allergy type sicks hit... I clear out STUFF)
Here are some diapers that need homes (I will edit as I find homes for the items):
I will add pictures if anyone is interested-- or as time permits.
Pocket Diapers:
Large Fuzzi Bunz, old style
5 in great condition, one with minor staining on the fleece
stained one is black, others are black, light yellow, orange, light green, and white
$10 each for the unstained, $8 for the one with the light stain
Large Swaddlebees with inserts
8 swaddlebees "boys colors" though I got them for my girl
2light blue
2 dark blue
1 dark green
1 light green
1 bright yellow
1 primary red
$8 each, all for $60
All in one:
Bum genius One Size in butternut. I think it is a 3.0, organiccotton. This is not a pocket but instead has several layers of organic cotton sewn inside of it, the ends are sewn down and the middle is left free so that it washes and dries better. $5
2 dozen yellow edge prefolds from green mountain, I didn't see any stains on them, but I could have missed one. $24
Wool Covers:::
Make me an offer!
Little Beetle covers sell for $29.95 and up new!
Little Beetle size 1 (felted)Snaps
Tiny cover, fits newborns better than most wool covers will
Little Beetle size 2 Snaps
Unused by me but bought used at Austin Baby.
I was sunning it to get out an old stain and left it a bit long in the pollen last spring so it is a bit brown.
I tihnk this will come out, but I havne't really tried
since washing wool is more complicated than a toss in the washing machine
Little Beetle size 2-1/2 Snaps
Unused by me (because of how tiny my daughter is), but I did buy it used from Austin Baby
It looks in perfect condition.
Stacinator Size Small, Natural color, Snaps
Some minor pilling on the outside of the cover
Sells for $26.95 New
Stacinator seems to have been bought by Happy Heineys recently.
Imse Vimse Small cover- MAchine Washable!Velcro
This one is awesome, but it is pretty high rise, which is sort of a strange fit.
It got the most use since it is machine washable, looks the prettiest still because it could be better scrubbed
(no worry about felting with this one!)
Sells for $25.95 New (on amazon)
LlamaJama size Small, wool knit soaker
Natural brown with natural white contrast
Super cute!
Sells for $34 New
If you get all of the wool items, I'll throw in a bottle of liquid lanolin
Other Covers:
2 Diaperaps for Hempers Size small. Natural color hemp and cotton. They look like the natural cotton on on the webpage. $5 each
Bummis super whisper wrap size small, cream colored. $5
This colorway may be discontinued.
Bummis Super Brite size small, white $5
Blue Penguin POSO size small, minky yellow $10
I don't think they make the minky ones anymore for some reason.
I also have blue and lavender and an extra small blue if you are really interested. I almost don't want to part with them but what am I gonna do, cuddle with them??
Blue Penguin Wrap-n-snap, size small $5
This runs very small
Mother Ease Air Flow Small, cream colored, $5
Mommy's touch One Size, white $7
One of the best one size diaper covers I found! It fit my young baby well, and would probably still fit my toddler if we hadn't switched to pocket diapers.
Fitted Diaper::
Super soft fitted diaper with snap in doubler from "Drool Bucket Baby" $5
This is a fitted diaper, not an all in one-- it must be worn with a cover!